I am so excited to tell you more about… the Small Business Forum - an alternative forum for small businesses to promote themselves.
The Small Business Forum grew out of a desire to see an alternative voice for small businesses within the Hutt Chamber of Commerce.
A place to connect
Learn tips for your small business
Introduce what you do to others
Find out what other businesses are doing in the Wellington region
Cam Gillett of Volum
All Over It www.alloverit.nz Annie Jackson
Anna McKinlay Coaching www.yb12coach.com Anna McKinlay Coaching
Creativa Design www.creativadesign.co.nz Maribel Aburto & Vera Padilha TOP TIPS - Most important places to start from with marketing
Vision Digital www.visiondigital.co.nz David Cross TOP TIPS - Authentic engagement with your audience once they are on your CRM
Barlovska Craft Liqueurs www.barlovska.nz Zuzanna Chmielewska-Barlow
Cathy Sheppard - BSI People Skills