Welcome to Naturally Creative You
Dear Storyteller,
The world seems to be in an ever-shifting paradigm.
Sometimes it has to start with ourselves and creating a place of safety, balance and harmony in our own atmosphere, raising our conscious vibration so we can inspire that to rise in the people we want to share our journey with.
In this Naturally Creative You: Soul Story series we look both at relationship to ourselves and then how we relate to other people, through the stories we tell, how we are shaped by the stories others tell and the stories we think we know.
Our relationship to nature and nurture is part of self-care that allows us to create space, connection and well-being.
I am running classes live and in the digital space to raise our vibration with creativity, connection and joy.
Now Available: Soul Story Digital Sessions
Live Sessions now available book via Calendly on the button below.
This spaciousness serves multiple purposes, it’s an opportunity to give voice to the unspoken side of the story. To name what you most desire, a time for getting your head around a tricky situation, to see where to go next and to witness a reflection of your experiences for visual processing and release of the experiences you have been holding close to your heart.
I will not fix, change or alter your stories. I listen and respond to what you decide to share. You know the way. I will be here to activate with a loving and creative presence, inspiring and activating.
It would be my pleasure to hold space while listening to your experiences. Our sessions are a combination of conversation, listening and performance art with live theatre, music and song.
These sessions are held in the digital space and run for an hour at a time. Sessions can be one off or run in a sequence to work with your needs.
Contact Claire on 0273420628 or claire@creativespark.nz to follow up with either a digital or live session.
Hear from some storytellers about their experiences.
These are recorded from live Zoom sessions and are played as audio to respect the storytellers privacy.
“The artistry helps me not to be in my story so much. I can view my story from outside of myself. ”
Photo taken as a clip from our live Zoom session, referred to in Lexanne’s response.
Excerpt from the session.
Now Available: Naturally Creative You Pop up Creativity Sessions
Naturally Creative You Disability Accessible Sessions are currently open for private sessions or individual bookings.
Pop Up Creativity Sessions
You can see more about the journey in the news section of this website and some of the places we have been.
We are embracing who we are in this moment exploring our naturally creative side, honoring that is the joy of being present.
This is a place to be seen and heard, to feel and just be.
We return to nurture where there is space for play, ritual and connection.
How we are meant to be.
A place to play with the simplicity of the elements of our natural environment.
Grounded in customs as old as man.
We create spaciousness within you.
Your weekly retreat in nurture and creativity.
Deepening the connection to self and how we relate to others
To experiment and play with things you might not have had a go at doing before
I can go anywhere and do anything bringing my creativity box and we can get creating.
I promise no spamming, I will share with you what offers and good stuff is happening in this creative community.