A smashing evening with over 45 attendees.
Last night alongside Helen and Anna at the Hutt Chamber of Commerce we were thrilled to introduce Anna McKinlay Coaching as a Bronze Partner to the Small Business Forum.
With 45 members in attendance we had a thrilling evening of connection, laughter and celebration as we met with the extraordinary small business owners from around the Hutt Valley.
We started our evening with a video presentation by Anna McKinley on Beating Mental Barriers.
She has a workshop coming up on the 3rd of September. Keep an eye on events and learning and development at https://www.hutt-chamber.org.nz/.
Next we had speakers from:
Tristram Price, www.priceelectronics.co.nz
Tristram spoke of Scope Creep and the impacts that can have on your business.
Helen Chesterman: Celebrant helencccelebrant@gmail.com
Helen informed us on all the enriching ways a celebrant can guide both the process of marriage and funerals.
J. Hendrink from EVP Recruitment , www.evprecruitment.co.nz
Hendrik spoke of Recruitment and the latest stat’s on staffing and things to keep an eye out for in the presentation of Fake CV’s
Finally we closed our evening with the inspiring Helen Down CEO of Hutt Chamber of Commerce.
Helen’s rousing speech of support for small business really landed for me. Honoring your business and not expanding before you need too. Knowing how to scale and whether that is a worthwhile investment.
A stellar evening. Thank you to all of our attendee’s.