It has to start somewhere, what does it look like and who is going to lead it? ME!
We have forgotten how to connect. Yes, it’s true. I have been thinking about this for ages.
I am going to throw back one of those “in my day” statements in your direction for a minute. Whose Dad had them in their car every Sunday visiting people so they knew how important they were to you?
It had its drawbacks, sitting waiting patiently while your parents talked about you in front of you while smiling politely and trying not to fall asleep because the room was too hot.
Those were the days when we learnt lot’s about ourselves in a short period of time.
I am not good at sitting for long periods of time and I like to be involved in conversations otherwise I really do fall asleep.
This is probably where I gained a true appreciation for meditation and contemplation, ha ha. Or on reflection, some of my epilepsy triggers.
We used to visit to build connections and people don’t visit anymore. That makes me sad.
Reality check, no really, reality check time, I am from a seriously committed visiting culture and social media has an inbuilt rejection meter now. If they can keep you online why would you need to find a connection offline? This now brings us to one of the biggest problems faced by people today. Friendships and authentic connections in real-time.
If I can be invited through images into someone’s world why do I not ask about the stories behind the photos but only on a surface level? Because sometimes our relationship is one where we have multiple connections but only a handful of true friends with formed relationships. It is still necessary to be in person and build physical contact to see someone’s reactions and feel how someone is to be present to each other in what is happening to another person. The give and take of life.
Experience tells us, that we should always connect with people and ask them to tell us their stories because what you are seeing in a photo is not always the real story for everyone. There really are a lot of lonely people out there deeply processing soul stuff that often shifts when we are around others or are involved in a creative process.
We are in a constant form of evolving whilst living and experiencing life. Maybe now it is scary to form friendships and visit people and make authentic connections if I don’t have the skills of visiting up my sleeve?
Well, you could join a social group and do something, I run things, drama anyone? Song group or nature/nurture sessions? You could change the nature of your relationship building.
Navigating the online relationship allows us to dwell in safety from the comfort of home without the much-needed element of risk for the reward which comes with relationship building and authentic connection.
There are so many glorious ways to connect now in real-time, geeze that is a saying that I find myself saying more frequently than I thought.
I joined a Socialdrama group myself. I love the joy of discovery in female adult conversation, the reminder I am more and have more to offer than sheltering in my house (I am introverted, so I totally get it), it's nice to form new relationships while doing something social and political, observing the daily grind.
It takes bravery, but human kindness and a real smile being reflected to you is so much kinder than a computer screen any day.
People are here to help us to accelerate our own learning and lived experiences. Go, enjoy being with people. Be in your creative process, and be open to all the wonderful discoveries that happen in this state of unfolding.
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