This is mine from our session
I absolutely loved the “Complimentary Collage Session” when picked from our Pick A Path box by Abi.
Mission: Select a picture from a magazine you might want to compliment/replicate or create your own version of, glue on one side of your journal then using your magazine, find pictures from within to rebuild the picture on the other side.
It is a lovely process of slowing down, being present to your intuition and creativity, and connecting to colours and images that bring you joy.
Relish the feel of paper, scissors and placing things as it all comes together like magic.
It’s not a process you have to rush if it takes more than an hour slide into it. Carve out a space on Saturday or Sunday, in the sun ,hopefully on a low wind day where you can spread out and find what you need.
Top Tip: Work with scissors in a variety of sizes and don’t work with scissors at all. Our hands know by feel and make beautiful rips, creating new texture and shapes that increase the uniqueness and creativity. There are no mistakes. What you create is uniquely yours and glue fixes everything and maybe that rip was meant to be there in the first place.