In 2004 alongside Danny Still and Rebecca Tapp, we created the theatre company Look Left Again as a theatre group for participants between the children's theatre in the adult theatre plays at The Playhouse Theatre.
Between 2004 and 2007 we created a theatre company called Look Left Again, we took our name from our first show. Our participants were inspired by the thought of looking back to see where you have been and to see who you are. Scripted by Rebecca and I about the concerns of graduating from university and to employment in the Arts industry.
This was followed up with a sequel a year later
following the lives of the characters 5 years later.
We also performed and created to pantomimes written by Danny Still, Treasure Island and In Cahoots with Johnny Sunrise.
With supported by their members into writing her own play and presenting this as part of the Dunedin Fringe Festival
Alongside doing performances we have weekly workshops in developing skills for theatre and beyond.
We were grateful for the support of the committee at the Playhouse Theatre. In 2007 this project was put into a sleeping beauty face and we do hope that 1 day it can be woken up and continued on .