It doesn't matter where you are, a creative space can be made.
To me a Creative Space is defined by the making of creativity, then a space. So it's really is open as you want it to be as far as making creativity happen. In our case I think about my group Alpha Omega Playback Theatre Company which is an amalgamation of five different groups in the Wellington region. Alpha and Active from Idea Services, Ace house, Mana College and Thumbs Up.
Our participants come out from their services to weekly rehearsal, we are building our own "Creative space" at Thistle Hall on Fridays. Our creative space is filled with, movement, action, gesture, stories, connection, relationships, play, voice, singing, speaking, shouting and fun.
Creative Spaces largely determined by the platform and we present it in. I chose playback theatre is a platform for creativity I have 15 years' experience of playback across New Zealand and internationally and I know that it was very accessible for the participants for them to source their stories and express themselves through creativity.
The group has grown it's experience and capacity and now we look to build on "Creative Spaces" in different environments, putting into practice our art form and inviting people into our creativity.
So far is we have had a series of road trips over the last year to enable greater accessibility and opportunities for story sharing in the community. From retirement villages to schools and disability services. For the duration of that performance Creative Spaces have been for us a place to communicate what we've been learning in our rehearsal. I've always found that it goes to the next level as everyone lifts their game with the idea of being seen and heard by an audience.
Currently we are coaching our group on creating intimacy on stage to honor the stories told. Also viewing stories as a gift. We are a platform for creativity, ultimately in the sharing of a story we are giving it back as a gift in thanks for sharing it.