What a blessing it is to get outside and enjoy the sun, particularly as it has been so windy lately. We are also still negotiating Level 2 COVID-19 restrictions. Off to Belmont Domain Rhodendendron Dell for nature and new a place to discover for many of our group members.
Keeping an eye on shenanigans of the others from a safe distance.
Swinging in the breeze, freedom after being in Level 2 lockdown.
Enjoying the park and open space for running and stretching our legs.
The fat Kereru high in the trees. One moment there was one, then there was two swooping in and out the trees looking for food.
Seeing what we could witness in the environment, so many old trees. New cherry blossoms and vibrant colours of the Rhododendrons.
Meandering around and appreciating what we can find and enjoy in this beautiful place.
Social distance game of Dragons keep. Sneak up and steal the Dragons treasure.
Beautiful big park to play in with tree’s tucked in all around us. Nice to stop and still for a moment or two. A way to frame the start of the week.
Pam’s got wings, Wild winds of September.
Feeling the wind beneath our wings, ignites you from the inside out. Stretching our arms like bird wings, laughing, remembering.