I was delighted to be invited by Susan Markowitz to the. War Memorial Library. For my first Community Music Session during Winter 2022.
For the session, I was conscious to take instruments and play guitar/ukulele from the start to the end of the session. To make it as inclusive as possible while we were in the library for the duration of the session.
I was invitational to everyone I could grab eye contact with and who I could call out with my voice. Welcoming to all participants who are in the library and making sure that everyone to welcome to join us as this was an open session to anyone in the library that day. We were delighted to have families and local disability community join us for this session.
What a joy filled session. With Song ringing out across the space, young school students watched and waved from the top balcony of the Library, it was brilliant, my favourite type of spontaneous engagement. I loved it. I always find that when I'm singing, sometimes I like to think of myself like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, calling people over. It's a bit naughty, but I love it. Like my secret skill. A little tricksie but meant with pure intention of joy and love . We acknowledged the lovely students. Wished them a wonderful day. As they carried on with their class.
My favorite part working at the library is ensuring that we can have a really social interactive creative, engaging and playful time. Making sure that we have elements of transformation through our social experience that we have.
Connectivity. The ability to communicate through music. Energy exchange in the moment. Enjoy a shared experience And if not? There is always a social political layer of causing interruption in a quiet space, which I also have secretly thrilled about. Maybe it's a bit naughty to say, but I quite like. Making noise when you're not supposed to, and libraries are quiet spaces. They invite us into these, make these music sessions. I warned them at the time. I've got a big old loud voice. I'm gonna be loud. And they said, yeah, yeah, that's fine, that's fine. I'm like, are you sure? And they say yes, every time. And then there is this lovely moment of uh oh, then going with the flow then everything is marvelous in its colour, vibrancy and human experience.
I talked to them at the end, we all had an amazing time traversing the spontaneity of presence to music and what happens in the moment.
I say "Go, the Public Library!".