Playback Theatre at Christie Centre

It has been an absolute delight to be invited back to participate in leading theatre work at  Christie Centre and think it's been about six years since I've been to visit my came and quite a few changes have happened since I last saw the crew. Such is the way of life.

Playback at Drama Christie

In performance for each other

The sessions were broken up into two lots and ran for six sessions before Christmas and the remainder after Christmas in the new year.


Our group was amazing at music and we started to develop a specialty within playback theatre.

How we might be able to tell stories using musical instruments. I looked at playback with music because that was the strength of our participants and what gave them the most creative ways of expressing themselves. Along with my bag of instruments, we had a wonderful assortment of instruments to explore and create with.

This is the first time many were introduced to Boomwhackers and they were a total hit. It was a delight to have the Christie Centre invest in some for their own instrument collection when I was not around. So positive for our people.

Responding to story

We really loved exploring the different games that brought to life creative expression and playfulness with the group.

Playback at Drama Christie Games

Game playing

Deepening our relationship, being silly, building trust gradually and finding our what our favourite songs might be.

Music Making

It was great to spend time with old friends and reconnect with instruments and stories about what is happening in the community and about the experiences that light up their lives.