In this workshop we explored techniques and ways to find your own voice as an educator.
Finding your voice, as an educator is what matters. In this unique and special workshop we got to hear from the voices of people who are leading creative change in their parts of the world.
When we educate it comes from the heart and soul; it's an offering we make to other people; we share a perspective about the world and the work that we do. Work that drives us and gives us passion and cause.
We are creating moments of exchange, clarifying what you have to offer. This will be the foundation of our work together.
Do you think you have discovered your educators voice? Maybe like me you just want to dip into additional training opportunities to expand your knowledge?
In this workshop we explored:
- The fundamentals of what makes up a good lesson.
- Planning and mapping out course structure.
- Going with the flow and making adjustments as you go.
- Living to your values and living what voice speaks through your work.
- Mindfulness for assessment, checking in and reflection.
- Building mentorship and leadership opportunities from within the company, sharing the love of what you do.
A massive thanks to The NZ Improv Festival and the wicked people with a passion to educate.