Information has been taken directly from Song Leaders Network Aotearoa
Who's the network for?
Vocal leaders and musical directors ofworld music, gospel and community choirs;
Teachers or singers who lead singing in Primary & Secondary schools;
Community musicians who work with people from all walks of life;
Music Therapists and aspiring or training Song Leaders.
What the network offers
The Network has recently changed its governance and is now run by a Steering Committee: Helen Diaz in Warkworth, Julian Raphael & Carol Shortis in Wellington, and Claire Stevens in Dunedin. We are in the process of developing this website and the Network, and have recently become an incorporated society. In brief the Network aims to provide members with the following:
- Songs and resources
- Vocal leadership guidance
- Professional development opportunities
- Networking between song leaders and choirs
- Notification of workshops and singing events
How much does membership cost?
Individual membership costs $50 for any 12 month period.